Yearly Archives: 2020

Buy Experiences, Not Stuff. Here’s Why.

When we spend money, we’re doing more than simply buying things. We want to create feelings of happiness, satisfaction and well-being. But are we really spending our money in ways that achieve those results? The answer, unfortunately, is probably not. As one world-famous Japanese “tidying expert” might say, our spending habits don’t spark joy. The

2021-11-18T20:48:46+00:00August 26th, 2020|Health, Lifestyle|

Five Big Mistakes Executors Make…and How to Avoid Them

Being named the executor of a family member’s (or other loved one’s) estate is, in many ways, an honor. The decision shows that the person saw you as a highly trustworthy, capable person of integrity. But it’s also a major responsibility that can quickly become a burden if you aren’t set-up to do your job

2020-10-22T20:13:08+00:00July 28th, 2020|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family|

Smart Ways to Take Control of a Trust

Many successful families use Trust’s to minimize taxes, transfer wealth and protect assets from creditors and others. You may have already set-up a Trust, or you may hold an inheritance you received in a Trust that was created decades ago. Trouble is, too many families relinquish more control over their Trust’s than they need to,

Wills and Trust’s

The Foundations of Your Rock-Solid Estate Plan   For so many of us, family is paramount. You probably expect to use your wealth to take care of your family in the here and now-health care, travel, college tuition and the like. But chances are you haven’t thought nearly as much about positioning your assets so

2021-11-18T20:51:01+00:00July 23rd, 2020|Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts|

Estate Planning: Don’t Forget Your Pet!

If you are part of the 68% of U.S. households that own a pet, you probably think of it as a true member of the family-one you love and cherish. But what would happen to that cherished family member if you were to die suddenly? Have you taken any steps to ensure the family dog,

2021-11-18T20:58:20+00:00July 23rd, 2020|Estate Planning, Family|

The Importance of Personal Umbrella Policies

What would happen if you or your child caused a car accident that resulted in serious injuries or the deaths of others? How would you pay for the treatment and damage of someone who was hurt in your home and claimed negligence? What happens when they claim to have suffered greatly because of the injury?

2020-10-22T20:17:00+00:00July 14th, 2020|Asset Protection, Family, Insurance, Wealth|

Three Questions to Answer Before You Purchase Life Insurance

Life insurance can be an extremely important, even essential, part of your financial plan. One of its most attractive aspects for many individuals and families is the death benefit of the policy-the money that the insurance company pays out in the event of the insured’s death. But navigating the life insurance landscape can be tricky-and

2021-11-18T21:00:19+00:00July 14th, 2020|Family, Financial Planning, Insurance, Tax Planning, Wealth|

Preparing Heirs for Their Inheritance

Inheriting money comes with plenty of benefits. From being less worried about paying for life’s necessities to enjoying the luxuries affluence can bring, inheritors often find that many of life’s key stumbling blocks are no longer in their paths. That said, an inheritance doesn’t automatically mean a worry-free life of ease. Inheriting wealth can actually

2021-11-18T21:01:24+00:00July 13th, 2020|Asset Protection, Family, Wealth|

The Road to Longevity: Living to 120-and Beyond?

Medical Technology Can Now ID Risk Factors In The Human Body Long Before They Impact Your Health A medical revolution is underway-one that’s making it possible for us to extend our lives for decades by stopping now fatal diseases before they can take hold of our bodies. In the coming years, we’ll not only be

2021-11-18T21:03:41+00:00July 10th, 2020|Health, Lifestyle|

It’s Time to Get Serious About Your Happiness

There’s a great quote by Jean-Paul Sartre: “We are our choices.” When it comes to our happiness and our overall success in life, that’s truer than you might have realized. Taking time to examine the choices you make in your life and work each day and over the long term to make sure they are

2021-11-18T21:07:39+00:00July 9th, 2020|Lifestyle|
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